
Showing all 15 results

  • jabon glicerina sabila, aloe vera

    Aloe Vera Soap


    Gentle hydration. Ideal for removing make-up or washing your face and body. No essential oils, just SOAP!

  • jabón saponificado, aguacate, leche hidratante , suave.

    Avocado and milk soap


    Extra moisturizing and soft. A fine and special soap for the skin.  (We know that some men have stolen it for shaving…)

  • coffe soap, natural , exfoliant, local

    Cafe au lait soap


    What do you do with coffee grounds ? …We make soap. Excellent for toning the skin and eliminating bad smells.

  • Calendula Soap


    Moisturizes, calms and regenerates. If you suffer from irritation, skin sensitivity. This is your soap

  • jabon glicerina natural , jabon glicerina artesanal, humectante natural , jabón natural , manteca cacao , chocolate, leche

    Chocolate Soap


    Provides hydration and softness. Recommended for frequent hand washing or for the shower.

  • Jabón lavavajilla biodegradable

    Dishwashing soap


    We take care of the planet and your hands. Made with recycled cooking oil, it is gentle for you and perfect for washing your dishes in a conscious way.

  • felted soap, soap , artesanal, gifth , jabon artesanal , saponificado, jabon glicerina , exfoliacion natural

    Felted soap


    Massage and exfoliation. For a smooth and matte skin. Wrapped in alpaca wool, it is ready to use.

  • jabón hotel, biodegradable

    Hotel soap


    Biodegradable and natural. Your customers will love it!

  • jabon glicerina natural

    Oatmeal and Honey Soap


    Pimples? Oats and honey disinfect pores and clean them thoroughly. Suitable for skins with acne.

  • Rose & chocolate soap


    Moisturizing, very creamy. True organic rose petals and cocoa.

  • jabón biodegradable, cero desecho, jabón natural , jabón artesanal

    Soap without packaging


    Usually their shape is irregular but their quality will always be perfect !

  • jabon artesanal , jabon biodegradable, jabon carbon activado, jabon anato

    Special & limited edicion 2022


    Exotic and Citrus. Bigger than usual…

  • Jabón dental

    Tooth soap


    Dental soap. It’s not minty or sweet and your teeth will be cleaner than ever.

  • Tungurahua Ash Soap


    Deep exfoliation. The ash dries the skin and the oils gently moisturize it. It is vegan.

  • jabon cerveza, shampoo solido , compra local Jabón dos en uno, cabello y cuerpo

    Two in one soap


    Have you thought about the environmental impact of palm oil? Well, this soap does NOT contain palm oil, and to celebrate it we have added BEER! Ideal for washing hair.
