What is Slow Cosmetics ( Slow Cosmetique)?

Although in Ecuador we still do not have the crazy consumption of the industrialized countries, where the market has won over common sense, it is necessary to start to understand this issue.

Great master Don Carlo “insists on thinking from the good, the healthy and the just”!
Carlo Pertini is a journalist by profession and a savior of the world at heart. What began as a protest against fast food in Italy was the genesis of a whole philosophy of life: the Slow Food movement. In the beginning it was just an ode to the enjoyment of fresh, homemade, leisurely food. Then it logically spread. Since one could not exist without the other: use of healthy, ecological, organic food, defend biodiversity, sustainable and responsible consumption. In addition to wanting to safeguard the food heritage of humanity and the gastronomic culture of each country.
The first analogy that comes to mind is the wonder of acoustic concerts. That’s just the way it is. You want something authentic? It should take time to do it, be as natural as possible. With absolute respect for you and therefore for the environment. And so art is born, the art of the genuine. It applies to all human activity.
The cosmetics industry has developed around the three primary skin care products: cleanse, protect and moisturize. Unfortunately at some point there was a detour and now the main interest of this industry is only to sell. Fortunately, in Belgium in 2013, the SLOW COSMETIQUE movement was founded by conscious consumers.
The key is to know how to choose wisely. How to be guided? We give you two suggestions: first always keep in mind the three basic needs of the skin and then be guided by the four pillars of the SLOW COSMETIQUE movement.

The first pillar is ECOLOGICAL “respects the environment. It prefers natural and organic ingredients with little processing in its formulas, excluding any ingredient coming from synthetic chemistry, petrochemical, plastic industry, as well as any ingredient potentially polluting for the environment or for the organism. It strives to minimize its ecological impact in all its fields of action without exception, favoring short cycles, local exchanges and the “zero waste” option. It focuses on vegetables and minerals with a low environmental impact. It excludes any ingredient and any technique potentially toxic to nature, humans or animals.”
The second pillar is HEALTHY COSMETICS: “it respects the health of the person, of the plant and animal kingdoms, it respects their life cycles. It does not cause toxicity in the short or long term. It takes care not to alter the physiological functions of the organism. In case of doubt about the sanitary impact of a product, Slow Cosmétique applies the precautionary principle and complies with the available alternatives. It excludes animal experiments, as well as animal exploitation that causes suffering or death.”
The third pillar is INTELLIGENT COSMETICS: “It recognizes the fundamental dermatological needs of the skin, in particular cleansing, moisturizing and protection by responding to them with sensible products or habits while avoiding diversifying them unnecessarily. To do so, use simple formulas with noble ingredients from bioavailable resources. Avoid as much as possible, inert, inactive or unnecessarily modified synthetic ingredients, as well as ingredients that, while maintaining or improving the health of the skin, do so to the detriment of the health of the rest of the body or the spirit. It invites us to consume less but better while encouraging us to get in direct contact with nature without trying to reproduce it artificially.”

The fourth pillar is REASONABLE: “does not make false promises that are impossible to keep due to the nature of a product or a cosmetic habit. Refrains from “Green washing”, manipulation and any form of modification or dissimulation aimed at deceiving its interlocutors. It is sold and purchased at a fair price that reflects the real quality of its formulation or its service. The price is the result of a fair calculation linked to the development of the product or service, while respecting the values of Slow Cosmétique. It promotes ancient and traditional knowledge while respecting ethics. In its elaboration, it is concerned with the improvement of the standard of living of all the actors of the production chain. It relies on ingredients from Nature or human skill, without wishing to claim their exclusivity (biopiracy). It is resolutely positive and non-anxiogenic, it recognizes that pleasure is a need perceived by humanity as a quality that invites it to cultivate in a simple way. She encourages the adoption of natural alternatives that are beneficial for the body and beauty as well as for the spirit.”
Mama Tungurahua has the Slow cosmetique mention. We have joined this movement because it is in line with our way of life and we want to multiply it. Responsible consumption is also health. Consumers have a lot of power and it is responsible to use it for good.





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