How about making your own soap
Did you know that by disposing of one liter of used cooking oil in water you contaminate 1000 liters of water?
Did you know that by disposing of one liter of used cooking oil in water you contaminate 1000 liters of water?
This entry was born out of a concern: requests for us to formulate an intimate soap… We refused. Why?
The first tip would be: avoid packaging. Otherwise the second best advice would be “use the bags you already have, again and again and again and again”. “And when they break, mend or recycle them”.
Let’s speak out. Let’s demand transparency and if you are offered natural and organic cosmetics that are traceable and authentic.
Do you prefer a pH-neutral cleanser, thanks to an ingredient synthesized from petroleum, or an alkaline cleanser, equally good for your skin, based on 100% natural ingredients?
A bit of history: At the beginning of the 20th century, a powder keg breaks out in London. With diverse, unequal and opposing protagonists: suffragettes, doctors, students, a future Nobel Prize winner, a statue, feminists, the case of the brown dog, and what is this?
That’s the question and not Hamlet’s tormented pondering of “to be or not to be”….. So,…
Although in Ecuador we still do not have the crazy consumption of the industrialized countries, where the market has won over common sense, it is necessary to start to understand this issue.
How to know a cosmetic contains natural or organic ingredients? Recommendations
The homemade mask formula is effective, we have tried it many times! Thank you for your feedback.
Walnut box, traditional box, wooden box
Handmade soap, soap by saponification, cold process soap